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Life: God’s Virtual Reality by Mark A. Staton
Glossary I have used many common terms instead of inventing new ones, even though I may be using them differently than is commonly accepted. If you want to understand what I have written, then refer to these definitions. Angel = A being from the high or inner levels. These also serve as Guardian Angels, or monitors, that watch over souls going through a life experience, and prevent other souls from interfering with them. They serve as facilitators during reconciliation processes. They appear as beings of light to the newly deceased. Beings of Light = These are souls from the inner-circle. They emit a brilliant white light. They radiate love. Color Bands/Levels = Although in Heaven there is a smooth spectrum of "goodness" from the farthest to the closest to God's center, it is perceived as separate levels, as when you see a rainbow. The souls at each level, other than visitors from other levels, have all reached the same level of goodness, according to God's measure. Consumed = Having your energy used by another being such that you lose consciousness or control over your actions. This is one of the methods the devil uses to increase his own power at the expense of others. Demons = Refers to souls converted to evil, and controlled by the Evil One. Devil = Another name for the Evil One. A being similar to God, but based on different principles. Down/Outward = Think of Heaven as a globe, with you inside of it. Towards the outside of the globe, or outward, is towards the lowest level of Heaven, known as hell. Outward is perceived as being down. Evil/Evil One = God's counterpart in the spiritual realm. He takes control of souls and strips them of their individual consciousnesses. In many ways, he is God's opposite. Destructive, rather than constructive. A desire to hurt rather than to help. Competition and conquest, rather than cooperation. God = A being composed of many individual souls and other spiritual energy. A group consciousness that is greater than the sum of His parts. Each soul is like a single cell in God's brain. Good = Constructive rather than destructive. Cooperative rather than competitive. (Do not confuse controlled competition, as in sports, with things like war.) Love instead of hate. Guardian Angel = A being from one of the higher levels, occasionally from the violet level, but more often from the inner-circle, that watch over souls engaged in the process of experiencing a life. Guide = A being from the inner-circle that facilitates the reconciliation process of re-awakening souls. Heaven = Heaven is the body of God. When you are in Heaven, you are within God. Hell = The lowest level of Heaven, where the worst souls dwell. They are not damned by God, and they do not suffer for eternity. They have the same possibility for eventual closeness with God as any other positive energy soul, except they have the farthest to go. Worse than hell is to be apart from God, consumed by the Evil One, and lost forever. Inner Circle = The outer levels of Heaven are like the colors of the rainbow, and are often referred to by their color. The inner-circle is white, and although there are many levels within the inner-circle, the differences between beings at different levels of the inner-circle are not discernable by souls from lower levels. Levels/Color Bands = When you are at a level in Heaven, all the souls of that level are just as "good" as you are. The souls of each level have colored auras that reveal their progress. The colors form a rainbow, with red at the lowest, or worst end, and violet at the highest, or best end. Neutral Zones = These are shafts of energy coming from the inner-circle that are maintained by the beings of light. Souls from any level except the lowest can move into a neutral zone for the purpose of participating in the reconciliation process of other souls. This is also where souls go that want to experience another life. People = Men, women, and children of Earth. Also any beings of other planets which God found to be suitably evolved. Rainbow = The different colored levels of Heaven form a kind of globular rainbow, with red on the outside and violet on the inside. The center, or inner-circle, is white. Reconciliation = This is a process that souls go through when they re-awaken in Heaven. They meet with souls of people that were special to them in their recent life experiences, review their lives, and see themselves from other viewpoints. Reconciliation Guide = A being of light from the inner-circle that facilitates the reconciliation process. Reincarnation = If you choose to experience another life, and are successful in forming the necessary connection to another living being, you could be said to have "reincarnated." Unlike other versions of reincarnation, this process is voluntary, and you are never reincarnated as an animal, or anything other than a person. Returning/Re-awakening = Since your soul never leaves God, your soul doesn't have to "go" anywhere when you die. It is like looking through binoculars or a telescope for a while. When you stop, you don't go anywhere, you simply resume looking at your true surroundings. When your body stops sending signals and the connection to your soul is broken, you re-awaken to your Heavenly surroundings. I sometimes refer to this as "returning" to Heaven, even though you don't go anywhere. Sharing Experiences = In Heaven, at most levels, souls can share experiences by telepathically sharing their thoughts. At lower levels it is more like conversation, while at higher levels, it can become a merging of minds. Soul = The smallest amount of spiritual energy capable of independent consciousness, and which can be connected to a living person by his brain's electrical energy. I sometimes use soul and spirit interchangeably, and other times soul is within a living body and spirit is not. Spirits = Souls which are not connected to a living body. Spiritual Energy = This is the energy that has always existed. It cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. The self-organizing properties of this energy, and unlimited time, lead to the creation of both God and the Evil One. Spiritual Realm or Dimension = The place where all spiritual energy existed before God created the physical universe. This is where both God and the Evil One evolved. Up/Inward = Inside God's body, the globular rainbow of Heaven, inward, towards God's center, is experienced as "up." Virtual Reality = I refer to life on Earth as God's virtual reality, because it is temporary, and separate from your eternal life in Heaven. To you, of course, life seems very real indeed, but from God's perspective, it is just another realm of experience, that differs from Heaven in many important ways.
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