

Life Contents


Survives Death

Your Soul is
Part of God

The Reconciliation

Post Reconciliation

The Purpose
of Life, I

The Purpose
of Life, II


God's Beginning

The Creation of
The Universe


Heaven's Rainbow

The Inner Circle

How to Make
Contact, I

How to Make
Contact, II

or Not?

and Answers




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Life: God's
Virtual Reality

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Life: God’s Virtual Reality

by Mark A. Staton


Questions & Answers

1. Where is your soul?
    A. Your soul always remains part of God. It never leaves Him. Your mind provides the connection between your body and your soul.

2. If you are not born with a soul, then how do you get one?
    A. When your mind begins to think, it sends out signals in all directions. When it reaches a compatible and available soul, a connection is established.

3. How can there be life after death?
    A. Once the link between you and your soul is established, then every thing that passes through your mind is recorded by your soul. Every thought, feeling, and perception will be stored there. After the death of the brain, the connection is broken. Your mind stops sending signals to your soul, but your consciousness continues on. It is part of God, and it draws its life and power from Him.

4. Is there such a thing as reincarnation?
    A. Yes, in a manner of speaking, because the soul that you connect with may have been connected to other bodies before yours. Usually, people have no memories of these other lives, because the transfer of information is only in one direction, from the brain to the soul. A small percentage of people either have a greater natural ability to perceive the memories stored by their soul, or they learn how to quiet their minds and open up the channel between their mind and their soul, to allow a flow of information to pass back from their soul. Of course, not everyone who claims to remember past lives has achieved this goal, but there is the possibility.

5. Has God always existed?
    A. No, God came into being due to natural forces acting upon the energy which existed. God coalesced from a vast number of smaller portions of conscious energy, which we call souls, and other forms of energy.

6. Did God create the universe?
    A. Yes, but the energy for creating the universe has always existed. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed. It was God that used all of the energy available to Him, including His own energy, to create our physical universe. God did not know what would happen to Himself when he created the universe, but He had faith that a greater good would come from His sacrifice.

7. So, what happened to God?
    A. After the universe formed, God reformed. He discovered that He was connected to our physical universe, but also existed outside of it.

8. Did God create physical life forms?
    A. No, because there was no need. Physical life resulted from matter reacting to natural forces, just as another kind of life had formed from the energy in God's dimension.

9. Is there really good and evil?
    A. In God's universe, there exists both positive and negative beings. The positive beings joined together in a voluntary collective that made God's consciousness possible. The negative beings attempted to increase their energy by taking control of other beings by force or guile. The negative beings strip away the consciousnesses and memories of all weak or vulnerable souls in order to enslave them. The stronger ones become dangerous allies waiting for their chance to take control. The Evil consciousness that arose from the largest conglomeration with negative beings in control, I refer to as the Evil One, or Devil. On Earth, examples of both good and evil are everywhere. In the spiritual realm they are separate, but on Earth, they are usually mixed together.

10. Do heaven and hell exist?
    A. Yes. When you die, your soul doesn't go back to God, because it never left. Your soul is in Heaven right now, and you are part of it. Hell is the lowest level of Heaven, but God doesn't condemn you for eternity. Worse than Hell is to be separated from God and lost to Evil for ever.

11. Is there a devil?
    A. Yes, and no. Just as the positive energy formed into what became God. A portion of the negative energy formed into an evil being.

12. Did the devil help God create our universe?
    A. No, he actively opposed it, because he was more afraid of his own destruction than God was, and he lacked God's faith and hope for a better future. As God was pulling together all of the good energy in His universe, in order to attempt a transformation, the devil and as much of the negative energy that he could command, resisted till the bitter end. Since God received the cooperation of virtually all of the positive energy in His universe, and the devil was able to control a much smaller fraction through force, God's plan succeeded. Ironically, it was the resistance of the devil which caused the success of God's plan. It was the final smashing together of both the positive and negative forms of energy, that made the creation of our universe possible.

13. Is God just some kind of colony creature?
    A. No, the many souls which form the brain of God, act similar to the cells which form our own brains. The whole is far greater than the sum of the parts. It is the mind of God which is vast, good, and wonderful.

14. Is there one true religion?
    A. No, but not all of earth's religions are equal. Some religions are better guides than others. There is enough of God and goodness in almost every religion to provide the necessary beginning. It is up to you to choose to follow the path toward God.

15. Was there an Adam and Eve?
    A. Yes, and no. There was a first person that had a mind capable of connecting to God, but it is unimportant whether it was a man or woman. It was after God felt the first thoughts reaching out that He established the first connection between Himself and a person with a physical body. It happened that the only viable connection point on God's side was a soul, or the smallest portion of God's energy capable of consciousness. Many souls reached out toward the thoughts, but one was slightly more receptive, or compatible than the others. Once the wonder of this form of communication became apparent to God, He directed his souls to seek out all possible life forms that were compatible. This became the true difference between humans and animals. While some animals have relatively large brains, they did not have the right kind of minds to establish a connection with a soul.

16. Why did God create the universe?
    A. He knew He had reached a point where He had exhausted the possibilities for growth. He knew He needed to do something to go beyond His limitations. Fortunately for us, when he created the physical universe, and physical life evolved, we became the answer to His need.

17. Is evolution true?
    A. Yes, God evolved to His present form, and we are still evolving.

18. Could God destroy the devil?
    A. No, because to destroy the devil, God would have to become like him. However, God will always be stronger than the devil, and as long as your soul doesn't leave God, it cannot be taken over by the devil. On Earth, of course, we are more vulnerable to evil's influence.

19. Is God all powerful?
    A. No. That would lead to questions such as "can God create an object that He can't move?," and other absurdities. However, He is more powerful than you can imagine.

20. Is God all knowing?
    A. No, but He knows more than you can imagine. Remember, the sun doesn't have to be infinitely hot to provide light and warmth for the Earth, and neither does God have to be all knowing, to seem like it to me.

21. Does God know the future?
    A. No, but just as you can sometimes see what is about to happen, e.g. someone about to trip and fall, or someone about to say something you know they will regret, etc., God can foresee vastly more events that are about to happen, and can foresee events more than a single step away. However, that is not the same as knowing everything that will happen from now until the end of time.

22. Where is heaven?
    A. If you ask a child, he might point to the sky. In a child's view, heaven is up and hell is down. A three dimensional view might have heaven as the center of a sphere, and hell is outside of it. You might think of heaven as being toward God, and hell is away from God.

23. Is heaven uniform, or does it have a structure?
    A. Heaven has many levels. In heaven you will find that you are with other souls that are just are good as you are. As you progress, you will travel along the spectrum from evil and ignorance toward goodness and knowledge.

24. Does every soul experience multiple lives?
    A. No. Some only experience one life. They have their position in heaven, and they are content. But for those souls that desire further growth, and that have exhausted the potential of their previous experiences, there is the opportunity to experience another life. They must reach out with their minds and seek a compatible consciousness. There is an element of risk involved. It is possible to have experiences that leave you farther from your goal. However, the probabilities for success increase with each successive life. When the more experienced souls seek compatible connections, it is more likely that they will find beings with sufficient potential to enhance their position.

25. What exactly are people to God?
    A. We are part of God, and apart from Him at the same time. We are the eyes, ears, and other senses that connect Him to our world. As we learn, grow, and evolve, so does God. Being able to experience life is one of God's gifts to you. He doesn't promise any certain kind of life experience, but He offers you the chance to have experiences that will help you learn and grow.

26. What is happening during "near death" experiences?
    A. Usually, people are sending so much information and noise down the line, that they aren't receiving a signal back. When people approach death, they often slow down their own transmission and begin to receive information back from their souls, and from God. Unfortunately, they are not usually in a very coherent state when this happens, and they do their best to make some sense of it all. Sometimes, when the brain functioning drops below a threshold, the connection between brain and soul is lost. Since the mind of the soul continues without interruption, but has stopped receiving the signal from the body, it becomes flooded with memories and thoughts that have been stored during the person's life. If the process continued, the soul would soon become aware of all of the lives it had lived, and would begin the process of integrating all of the new experiences with its previous ones. However, when the body is revived in time, the connection resumes, and the majority of the thoughts from the soul fade as do dreams upon awakening. All kinds of experiences are reported, and many of them occurred exactly as described, while others are completely jumbled up.

27. What about all the things we have in life that won't be in heaven?
    A. Since everything we know of life, including all of our experiences, must pass through our minds for us to appreciate them, we will find that everything we had is still available. In fact, we will find that we have more available to us than we have ever had before. You will discover that the ability of your soul to call up memories is far greater than you have ever known in life. Thus, you can re-experience anything that was recorded during any of your lives. However, since you will exist in a world of thoughts, you will find that you can experience whatever you can imagine. If you like chocolate cake, you can relive the experience of tasting the best chocolate cake you've ever had, or the best possible cake you can imagine.

28. How does God judge us and assign us to the different levels in heaven?
    A. He doesn't. God created the system and is part of the system. You find your own level in heaven, like different densities of liquids sorting themselves out in a glass. You have the hardest judge of all to face, yourself. You won't be able to deceive yourself about your true nature, because the truth will be all around you. You will not be a very good judge of yourself at first. Most people begin by not judging themselves hard enough, and gradually progress to the point where they are too hard on themselves. Eventually, most people will advance beyond the judgment stage. For instance, the worst students seem to think whatever they do is fine, even if they do nothing, while the best students often have difficulty with accepting the smallest error from themselves. When they are wiser, they will learn to do their best, learn from their mistakes, and learn from other's mistakes. They will learn to judge themselves realistically while keeping their goals a notch or two higher than those they have achieved. They will learn not to be too quick to judge others.

29. What does God want us to do?
    A. Many things. One of which is to grow up. Many people grow older without ever growing up. Do you know the difference between right and wrong? Do you need for someone else to tell you? You shouldn't be dependent upon anyone else to decide what is right and what is wrong. You should teach children to think for themselves, so they won't always be dependent on you, or someone else.

30. In heaven, are you confined to your own level?
    A. No, but it is similar to floating versus swimming. If the soul is not actively trying to move to a different level, then it immediately starts floating back to the level of its own density. The closer a soul moves toward God, the stronger it becomes, and the more freedom of movement it experiences. Many of the older, more experienced souls, visit the less developed ones, in order to guide their development. The souls desiring advancement soon become tired of swimming up stream and instead make themselves available for a new life to connect to it. Experiencing a new life is the fastest way to advancement, if the life enhances the soul's wisdom, goodness, and experience.

31. Why is life so hard?
    A. When your soul takes a chance for growth and advancement through living another life, you are placed in a situation where you are no longer stratified by level, and therefore you will come into contact with all different kinds of people.

    These people will differ greatly from yourself, not only in all normal ways, but also in the age, lives, and degree of advancement of their souls. Since the proportion of advanced souls to beginning ones is similar to a pyramid, with the more advanced souls toward the top, no matter where you find yourself on the pyramid, assuming you are advanced enough to even think about such things, you will have the depressing sensation of being in a world full of people that are in many ways, beneath you. Many of them will seem to be hopelessly lost, and oblivious to their condition.

   You probably have felt lost, but you are not oblivious to your condition. You may have wished that you could go through life without having so many unanswered questions. Unfortunately, the higher you go, the more aware you become of life's imbalances, compromises, and injustices. You also ask yourself more and more difficult questions.

   You set standards for yourself based on looking toward the top of the pyramid, instead of focusing on the next step along the path. It has been said that the more you know, the more you know you don't know. In the same way, the better a person you are, the better you want to be, and the more you chastise yourself for falling so far short of how you know, or think, you should be.

32. Is it all worth it?
    A. Your soul takes a chance for advancement by finding a compatible person and experiencing their life. Part of the risk is that the person will end up being evil, or at least, not very good. The soul may gain nothing from the experience, and could even lose some ground. However, as your soul advances, it gets better at making the most of each new situation. At worst, it should be able to learn from the mistakes of its host. Usually, you will advance, and the amount will be determined by many factors. You may not reach perfection in many lifetimes. You could easily reach a level in the middle, and stop seeking new lives. The fact that you are thinking about such issues at all probably means that your soul found a person with good potential. Your next life may not be so promising, if you even have a next life.

    If you look at the big picture for a moment, you will see that as each of God's souls advances, God's influence in the world grows. The world will gradually become a better place to live. You don't have to solve the problems of the world to contribute in a meaningful way to this lofty goal. Although the effort required by you at any particular moment in time may seem excessive, and may indeed BE excessive, the benefits extend not only through the rest of your current life, but to heaven and on through your next life on earth.

    While in heaven, you will be surrounded by others at your same level. In your next life, you will have a better chance for advancement, and probably a better life experience. Unfortunately, even though you get to be a better and better climber, the road gets steeper at approximately the same rate. Life will always seem hard to you in many ways. However, many people have no standards, and so they don't feel inadequate compared to them. You however, have standards beyond your reach. You are farther along the path than you think. At your level, you must focus on the next step, and what you need to do to get there. A small step while approaching the top can be more significant than a big step near the bottom.

    If it requires all of your effort just to stand still, and not start sliding backwards, then just stand still. Give yourself time to rest. If the best you can do at the moment is to slow down your rate of descent, then do it. At another time you may find the energy you need. Perhaps you needed to look around, and reevaluate the different possible routes to the top, and how high you really want to go. If you choose a resting place for a while, but become restless, you will know you need to go higher to find your true place of peace.

    For the moment, do the best you can, whatever that may be. In the long run, it is all worth it.


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