Fundamental Truths by Mark A. Staton There is one God. God is not omnipotent or omniscient. God cannot create a rock so heavy he can't lift it, which is absurd, but He was powerful enough to create the universe, and is still the most powerful being in the universe. That is enough for me. God does not know the future, but He is a very good predictor. He knows everything every person with a good soul knows or has known. God exists outside of our space, but not outside of our time. God is multi-dimensional, by which I mean He exists in more than three dimensions. Where God intersects with our local space, He, and therefore Heaven, seems to be a sphere. At the white center of Heaven is the link between the local representation of God, where God exists in different parts of the universe. All good souls are part of God, but being a part is not the same as being the whole. My soul is part of God, and so, in all probability, is your soul. Although we are connected to God, we are not controlled by Him. God believes in the value of free will. Jesus had a very advanced soul, for example, but being connected to God, is not the same as being all of Him. If God was controlling Jesus, and acting through him, then you could say that it WAS God acting, but since God does not control people, and take away their free will, I believe Jesus was acting on his own. Jesus' soul was so advanced that it had nothing to gain from experiencing another individual physical life. God did not SEND him. Jesus volunteered to live another physical life and act as a teacher and a good example for others to follow. God is greater than the sum of His parts. When a very large group of souls had joined together to form a network of interconnected minds, there arose from this a new and separate consciousness, that was no longer identifiable as any that belonged to an individual soul. As more and more individual souls and groups of souls joined with God, His consciousness grew. God may be composed of a multitude of souls with individual consciousnesses, but His consciousness is greater than the sum of His parts. He is composed of spiritual energy, including all good souls. There is spiritual energy and souls that are controlled by God's Evil counterpart in the spiritual realm. There is a being similar to God that formed at about the same time, but with a different basis. The Evil entity grew by taking over individual souls and controlling them. The weak souls were stripped of their memories and made into slaves of Evil. The strong souls were turned into agents of Evil, that controlled weaker souls. Being separated from God and being consumed by Evil, is the true hell. Heaven is God's body. Heaven is not a place that God walks around in. Heaven is a realm of spiritual energy that is composed of the energy controlled by a multitude of individual souls, and a vast amount of raw spiritual energy controlled by God. Since all of the spiritual energy and the souls are connected to God, and part of God. You don't go to heaven when you die. You actually wake up there. While experiencing a physical life, your soul becomes completely engrossed by the many signals emanating from your brain, including all your thoughts and perceptions. Your soul temporarily forgets about any prior lives, or time spent in heaven. When your host body dies, or in some cases temporarily stops sending signals, and breaks the connection, your soul gradually becomes reaware of its heavenly surroundings. Your soul doesn't have to GO anywhere, because it never left. Each soul is like one cell in God's body. A soul ranges from the smallest amount of spiritual energy that can sustain an independent consciousness, to a being many times as powerful. The souls retain their individuality, but often act in groups. God is composed of an intricate network of souls. God created His structure, and permits each individual soul to find its own way within that structure. There are levels in Heaven based on God's definition of goodness. The levels are arranged like a globular rainbow, with red on the outside, and violet on the inside. Although there is actually a smooth spectrum, based on God's standard of goodness, from the souls farthest away to the souls closest to God's center, it is perceived as a series of distinct levels. Some lessons are much more difficult for souls to learn than others, so there seems to be periodic demarcation lines that identify the boundaries of the different levels. The souls perceive the levels in heaven the way we break up a rainbow into separate colors. The center is white. The colored levels of heaven are composed of souls learning and growing, and hopefully progressing closer to God's center. The center is composed of souls radiating loving energy outward, that covers the entire spectrum. Although the center is all white, it actually seems to have more levels than there are colored ones. Souls can visit other levels close to theirs. The ability of souls to visit other levels grows as they advance closer to God's center. In general, souls can visit up one, or down two, levels. The time they can spend at another level also grows as they advance. In the Red level, only the souls closest to the Orange level can occasionally manage to visit there. The ability to visit other levels increases as souls advance toward God's center. Only some Red souls can visit up to Orange. Orange can visit up to Yellow or down to Red. Yellow can visit up to Green or down to Red. Green can visit up to Blue or down to Orange. Blue can visit up to Violet or down to Yellow. Violet can visit up to White (the lowest level of White) or down to Yellow. The change for a soul from Violet to White is bigger than the change needed between any of the lower levels. White can visit up to one more level in White, and down to any of the colored levels. Some souls are satisfied with their level and don't try to advance. As souls change, they advance closer to God's center, or regress towards God's perimeter. Closer to God's center is sometimes referred to as up, and away from God's center is sometimes referred to as down. The white center is the domain of heaven's beings of light. The violet level is the highest or closest of the main levels, and includes souls preparing to make the transition to the center. This is the highest level where souls still seek to experience lives in order to advance. The blue level contains the very good souls that often act as teachers. The green level contains the normally good souls. The yellow level contains the new souls that have no experience, and are neither good nor bad, plus souls that are in the process of moving up or down, or souls where the good and evil are in roughly equal measure. The orange level contains souls that have changed for the worse. Some of them are punishing themselves, and will eventually tire and return to their true level. Others will turn away from God's goodness and descend to red. The outer red level of heaven is like hell, where souls are trapped in nightmares of their own devising. They are not condemned to this level for eternity. As soon as they change, they can advance to other levels. Souls can connect with physical bodies and experience their lives. Life is a soul's Virtual Reality. While connected to you, your soul is the same as your consciousness. Your soul read these words as you did. While you are alive, you and your soul are one. Souls can make temporary connections with animals, and sometimes do so for entertainment and education, but the connection is not the same, and usually not for life. Before human beings had advanced far enough, souls' first experience with life was connecting to various animals. A connection with a human being is total and your soul seems to be sleeping in heaven, while it experiences your life. The first soul that connected with a human being was very surprised. Other souls nearby became concerned that the soul stayed with the connection for such a long time, compared to how long other souls stayed connected to animals. When you die, or when your brain temporarily stops sending signals to your soul, you wake up in heaven. When the first soul to connect with a human being finished its life experience and became reaware of heaven, it was temporarily disoriented. When it finally regained its memories and began sharing them with other souls, the effect was electrifying. A great many souls sought to connect with the few available humans, in order to share similar experiences. Souls choose to experience a physical life, or lives. Souls take a chance that experiencing a physical life will help them to advance. Some souls never choose to experience a physical life. Seeking to experience a life is completely voluntary, and some souls choose not to do so. Some souls prefer to share memories with other souls that have experienced physical lives, rather than try it for themselves. Some souls experience multiple lives. Not all souls seek to experience multiple lives. They are content with their one experience, or none. Other souls seek to live many lives, and hopefully to learn as much as possible from the experiences. These are often the same souls that visit other levels in an attempt to learn more about God's spectrum of goodness. There is no guarantee that having a life experience will help you to advance in heaven, but over time, souls saw that those who took the chance with life were usually the ones to advance, or to advance faster. The purpose of life is to offer experiences that may help your soul to advance in heaven. The more advanced your soul, the greater the portion of your life that is usually spent relearning past lessons. There are key differences between heavenly and earthly experience that can lead to greater understanding: Life isn't fair -- Heaven is perfectly fair. Life has good and evil mixed together -- In heaven, good and evil are separate, and good is sorted into a spectrum. On earth, the more advanced your soul is, the lonelier you can feel - In heaven, the more advanced the soul, the less lonely you feel. In life others often try to control you -- In heaven, free will is respected, and most souls try to help each other. In life, communications are crude and limited - In heaven, souls above the lowest level can share thoughts with others. The more advanced your soul, the more unlikely it becomes that you will learn what you need from experiencing individual lives. While on earth, you should live as if you would be spending eternity with souls just as good as yours.
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