Spiritual Levels: Overview
Overview Note: Descriptions in here were taken from posts from Mark Staton on the Omnispiritualism Discussion Group from September 10 to September 26, 2001. Before I describe the different levels in detail, I thought it might be helpful to provide a high level roadmap. Remember that we are actually talking about a smooth spectrum, and not a series of discrete bands. However, just as we mentally separate the colors of the rainbow into its main color bands, so too do souls separate Heaven into bands based on how souls naturally group together. Some transition points or lessons are more difficult than others. These create the borders between the main levels. Since the spectrum represents frequency of spiritual energy, as well as relative 'goodness,' I use a rainbow for my model, and describe the main levels according to their corresponding colors. There are seven main levels: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, and White. Red is the lowest level, and corresponds to what people think of as Hell. White is the highest level, and is closest to God's heart and mind. Both the Red and White levels have far more variation among their members than the other levels. Since God never forces any soul to separate from Him, no matter how evil, the Red level contains souls who just missed being at the Orange level, down to the worst souls imaginable. The White level, or central region, has many small levels. The biggest leap, or transformation, is from the Violet level to the White level. The proportion of souls in the levels below White and above Red, roughly follow a normal distribution curve. New souls start out at the Yellow level, where they are innocent, and neither good or bad. Souls that are somewhat more bad than good move to the Orange level, and souls that are somewhat more good than bad move to the Green level. Souls that learn and grow spiritually either from their experiences in Heaven, or from life experiences, or both, eventually move up to the Blue level. Many souls are content with their current level, and don't really seek to advance. Only souls that are determined to move as close to God's love, energy, and thoughts as possible, and that manage to change themselves accordingly, move up to Violet or White.
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