Levels Contents
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Spiritual Levels: Violet The Violet level is filled with very good souls. They have experienced multiple lives, and learned a great deal. They have chosen to advance as close as possible to God's White center. At the Violet level, the souls are no longer focused on their flaws, which are minor, but on being as good as possible. They frequently share thoughts with other souls, and seek to better understand God's spectrum of goodness. They have learned that there are two ways to advance: reduce the bad in yourself, or increase the good. At the lower levels, souls frequently advance and retreat multiple times as their proportions of good and bad shift around. Ironically, it is common for a single life experience to add more bad than good, and lead a soul to drop a level. However, souls still take a chance on having life experiences because souls that have them tend to advance more than those who do not. Souls that have fought against evil in themselves and others tend to be stronger than those who have not. Young souls that advance without knowing why are like children who seek to comfort a hurt child one moment and then strike a child in the next moment. Such souls are quite likely to drop back to lower levels until they understand what is happening. It is unusual for souls to reach the Blue level without understanding the basics of God's spectrum of goodness, and unknown at the Violet level. Therefore, it is uncommon for souls at the Blue level to drop down to Green, and even more rare for a soul at the Violet level to drop back to Blue. When you have experienced multiple lives, it is not the effects of the most recent life that determines your position in Heaven, but the cumulative effects of all the lives and all your experiences in Heaven. Souls can learn from bad experiences as well as good ones. When souls reach the Violet level, it can be difficult for some of them to remember their original goal of reaching God's center. All the souls around them are good. They have achieved a level of control over their environment. They feel loved and at peace. It is truly Heavenly there, so why keep trying to advance? Why take any more chances experiencing lives that may be lonely, frightening, painful, etc.? Indeed, many of the souls who reach the Violet level find they are content to remain there. They feel they are good enough. Souls at the Violet level see the gulf between Violet and White. It is the largest gap between any of the levels. For many of the souls at the Violet level, the gap is simply too great to even consider crossing. Unlike the incremental transitions required at lower levels, this seems to require a profound qualitative transformation. They focus on what must change within themselves before they can make the attempt. Some let fear of failure hold them back. Other souls feel the pull of God's love coming from the central White region. The more they advance, the stronger they feel the attraction. By the time they advance to the Violet level, the feeling is so strong that they must keep going. The thought of staying at a lower level doesn't occur to them. They will do whatever it takes, even if they must struggle forever. They try and fail many times, and it doesn't matter. They are willing to take chances and experience more lives. They share their thoughts and experiences with as many other souls as possible. They work together for their mutual benefit. These are the souls who advance to White.
Note: Descriptions here were taken from posts by Mark Staton on the Omnispiritualism Discussion Group from September 10 to September 26, 2001.
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